While I worked on the papers, my daughter helped me clean out my

Daughter: "Mom, you have 4 packs of Geoboards that aren't opened. Do you really need them? Plus the overhead projector one? You don't even have an overhead projector any more."
Me: "You never know, they might be fun to use in 9th period; or they might change the curriculum again and I might need them."
Her: "Mom, do you need all these flashcards?"
Me: "Wellll, some of the kids don't know their facts, and they might not have cards at home, so I can let them borrow them. Someday I'll give them away to someone who needs them."
Her: "Mom, you don't teach this subject any more. Do you need this bulletin board stuff?"
Me: "I could end up teaching it again. People get switched around."
Her: "How old is this Scrabble game?!"
Me: "Well, it belonged to the teacher I replaced (24 years ago!) and she retired, so who knows! Stuff in my closet could be 50 years old!"
Her: "Perquaky?" (game she's never heard of)
Me: "Yeah, that was the other teacher's too. Is there a date on it?"
Her: "1970."
Me: "See! I wasn't exaggerating! That's 45 years old, so 50 years wasn't that far off. I can't throw it away now...it's like an antique!"
She REALLY enjoyed questioning why I still have all these things....I just can't seem to throw them away...but I suppose, some time in the next few years I will.
Maybe I should go through the closet again, strictly following these 2 rules (it's only 2 rules - shouldn't be hard to follow...):
1) If I haven't used it in 20 years (or maybe 2??), it's safe to say I will NEVER use it and I should throw it out,or give it away.
2) If someone else can use it more than I do, I should give it away.
What do you have lingering in your closet??
ROTFLMAO I'm dying here because I have been trying to get my master bedroom ducluttered this weekend and it's been quite an adventure. Yesterday I found 29 socks with no math. Now mind you I did have FOURTY-TWO matching pairs. These were just the colored socks, not including white ones. Today I found some other socks and matched up at least 20 more pairs, but I guarantee I have more than 29 that still have no pair. After about 2 hours of sock matching I opened one of my bottom dresser drawers to find MORE SOCKS. In addition to post-its and markers, apparently I hoard socks. I just cannot get over my self. LOL
ReplyDeleteToo funny! I'm not sure which closets scare me more - home or school :-)
DeleteYou sound like me when my mother helps me clean my house. I have gotten better about it in my classroom. We had to pack everything up because of summer construction; I sold a bunch of old books on Amazon for new ones and threw out a ton of stuff from the teachers I replaced at the last two jobs...file folders full of old stuff. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteKovescence of the Mind
I have been working on getting rid of things...it's a work in progress!