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Showing posts from August, 2015

Time to Clean Out Those Closets?!

I started going through my mess of papers in my classroom yesterday. Back at the end of the school year, I mentioned (as a tip) that teachers need to make sure they put those papers back where they belong....yeah, I don't do that very well :-)  So, I pulled all of the papers out of the random binders I had put them in and started sorting them into piles by topic. I decided that I'd finally break down and make myself create one binder per topic...they probably won't be as pretty as many of the ones I've seen on Pinterest, but they will be organized. While I worked on the papers, my daughter helped me clean out my closets....I guess technically she organized them for me, since I couldn't be convinced to throw much away. Our afternoon went kind of like this: Daughter: "Mom, you have 4 packs of Geoboards that aren't opened. Do you really need them? Plus the overhead projector one? You don't even have an overhead projector any more." Me: "Y

Check out the Video Blog Posts!

Another quick post today (wow - two in one day!!) This summer, my wonderful team - Tools for Teaching Teens - collaborated to create a new site! We've started adding video blogs and will continue to add them every week. We would love for you to check them out and let us know what you think! Check it out!

Back to School Giveaway!

Oh, I have SO been neglecting my blog this summer! I've been doing some other types of writing, and I think my "writing energy" has just been tapped out! I do want to write a quick post about the fantastic giveaway you can enter at The Language Arts Classroom ! There are several prize packs you can enter to win - MATH, English, Science, SS, and more, so head on over!  Good luck! Enter to win!