Today I finished Chapter 4 of The Together Teacher , titled Never Forget! Capture Your Thoughts . As I kept reading the phrase thought catchers (which the author suggests teachers use so that we don't lose those ideas that pop into our heads at unpredictable times during the day, I kept thinking of dream catchers , so I needed to call them something else, and Venus Fly Traps somehow popped into my head. So, in my mind, my thought catchers will be called Venus Thought Traps instead:) The idea of the thought catcher is that one should have a place to write the ideas that occur during the course of the day; and rather than popping into a colleague's room to share that thought (which I tend to do) or sending off a quick email to share the thought or question, one should organize those thoughts into categories so that several of the thoughts or questions can be addressed at the same time. For example, if you work closely with a few different people - let's call them Ra
As a middle school teacher, there are many moments to reflect upon. This blog will be a place to reflect upon all of those moments (and more)!