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What Do Teachers Need? Super-Short "Survey"

What do teachers need? What's the first thought that comes to your mind? I'm so curious to know the first thought that crosses your mind when asked that question (as a current teacher or former teacher). Will you leave your thoughts in the comments below? Whatever comes to mind first....!

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  1. Support from good administration.

  2. Great question! And I had two thoughts that came to mind...resources and support.

    When I refer to resources I am including everything from curriculum materials to people! My School system has not purchased any new math or language arts programs for us in many years and we need something new, updated and that works. The last math program they purchased turned out to be a total lemon. They have also taken our people away or limited our people. We used to have a full time nurse, counselor, etc... no more of that! We only have a few Teacher Assistants and we have never had a math or reading specialist.

    As for the support, I used to feel good as a teacher. Now I feel awful. Everything is our fault. When I had an autistic child in my class, I was given no training and no support and was blamed for everything that went wrong with her. I am now testing all the time and given more paperwork and no time to complete it.

    Those were my first thoughts to what a teacher needs.

    1. I know exactly how you feel. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!


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